10 Fun and Free Activities to Do With Your Child This Summer

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  1.  Go to the library and check out books. Then come home and have your child make a bookmark using paper, crayons, ribbon, stickers, paint, markers, etc.
  2. Check with local libraries to see what free children’s programming they are offering and attend one or more
  3. Bake cookies or a cake
  4. Go on a hike. Check your state website for trail listings
  5. Have a picnic lunch in your backyard or at a local park
  6. Get active! Have a dance party, jump rope or hula hoop contest, or play tag
  7. Take your kids outside with paper and paint and have them sit on the grass and paint a nature sceneIMG_0946   IMG_0941   IMG_0939   IMG_0948
  8. Collect acorns, sticks, flower petals, etc. and make a sign, story or press flowersIMG_0173
    My daughter collected extra nature, created a scene and then wrote a story about herself and two friends on a camping trip
    My daughter collected extra nature, created a scene and then wrote a story about herself and two friends on a camping trip
    After picking a bunch of flowers from the garden, we pressed and framed them

    9. Go to the beach, collect shells and make shell art

    My son made this shell collage using sand as an extra decoration
    My daughter made an underwater 2-in-1 scene with a mermaid, but it is also a smily face. On the back she wrote a story.IMG_1633

    10. Set up an obstacle course or scavenger hunt

This is a great summer scavenger hunt! Click on the picture or link to print a copy for free

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